Currently Earned: NaN
Currently Earned: NaN
Receive 2X the normal base rate per staked NFT of the same alignment. Multiple passes of the same type, do not stack this bonus.
2. seeker
If you stake an NFT from all 15 backgrounds, you will receive a very special bonus of 50% to your base rate for all staked NFTs.
3. racial equality
Stake an NFT of each base race (human, elf, alien, demon, celestial and merfolk), you will receive a 25% bonus to your base rate for all staked NFTs.
4. duality
If you stake both a Hero and a Villain, you will receive a 10% bonus to your base rate for all staked NFTs regardless of alignment.
5. The More, The Merrier
Pre-Aug 7th: 5% compound bonus per NFT. Post-Aug 7th: 0-50 NFTs = 10X; 51-100 NFTs = 25X; 101+ NFTs = 50X multiplier.
6. dapper duck bonus
10% staking bonus has been granted to those eligible and is now discontinued.